

Install MagentroPy with pip:

pip install magentropy

Or, with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge magentropy


The logger can be accessed as follows:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('magentropy')

The MagentroData class#

MagentroData serves as a representation of magnetoentropic data and provides methods for reading, processing, and plotting the data. Because MagentroPy depends on other packages such as numpy, scipy, and matplotlib, importing can take several seconds.

from magentropy import MagentroData

Reading data#

The easiest and most common way to read in data is with a Quantum Design .dat output file, such as that produced by an MPMS3 SQUID Magnetometer. The default settings are such that no additional arguments need to be given to the constructor when this is the case. See Reading Data for additional information.

magdata = MagentroData('magdata.dat')
"[Data]" tag detected, assuming QD .dat file.
The sample mass was determined from the QD .dat file: 0.1

The sample mass of 0.1 is parsed from the .dat file. The default mass units are “mg”. We can easily view a summary of the object when using a notebook:


Sample mass: 0.1 mg

Raw data:

T H M M_err M_per_mass M_per_mass_err dM_dT Delta_SM
unit K Oe emu emu emu/g emu/g cal/K/Oe/g cal/K/g
0 1.000000 20.000001 0.002023 0.00005 20.232376 0.5 NaN NaN
1 2.000000 20.000000 0.001977 0.00005 19.770351 0.5 NaN NaN
2 3.000001 19.999998 0.001969 0.00005 19.691176 0.5 NaN NaN
3 4.000000 19.999999 0.001970 0.00005 19.703463 0.5 NaN NaN
4 4.999999 20.000001 0.001886 0.00005 18.861315 0.5 NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 95.999998 100.000002 0.001403 0.00005 14.030179 0.5 NaN NaN
496 97.000000 99.999999 0.001446 0.00005 14.458498 0.5 NaN NaN
497 98.000001 100.000001 0.001324 0.00005 13.244919 0.5 NaN NaN
498 98.999999 99.999999 0.001184 0.00005 11.835327 0.5 NaN NaN
499 100.000000 100.000000 0.001172 0.00005 11.722362 0.5 NaN NaN

500 rows × 8 columns

Converted data:

T H M M_err M_per_mass M_per_mass_err dM_dT Delta_SM
unit K T A·m² A·m² A·m²/kg A·m²/kg J/K/T/kg J/K/kg
0 1.000000 0.002 0.000002 5.000000e-08 20.232376 0.5 NaN NaN
1 2.000000 0.002 0.000002 5.000000e-08 19.770351 0.5 NaN NaN
2 3.000001 0.002 0.000002 5.000000e-08 19.691176 0.5 NaN NaN
3 4.000000 0.002 0.000002 5.000000e-08 19.703463 0.5 NaN NaN
4 4.999999 0.002 0.000002 5.000000e-08 18.861315 0.5 NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 95.999998 0.010 0.000001 5.000000e-08 14.030179 0.5 NaN NaN
496 97.000000 0.010 0.000001 5.000000e-08 14.458498 0.5 NaN NaN
497 98.000001 0.010 0.000001 5.000000e-08 13.244919 0.5 NaN NaN
498 98.999999 0.010 0.000001 5.000000e-08 11.835327 0.5 NaN NaN
499 100.000000 0.010 0.000001 5.000000e-08 11.722362 0.5 NaN NaN

500 rows × 8 columns

Processed data:

T H M M_err M_per_mass M_per_mass_err dM_dT Delta_SM
unit K T A·m² A·m² A·m²/kg A·m²/kg J/K/T/kg J/K/kg

 npoints: 1000,
 temp_range: [-inf inf],
 fields: [],
 decimals: 5,
 max_diff: inf,
 min_sweep_len: 10,
 d_order: 2,
 lmbds: [nan],
 lmbd_guess: 0.0001,
 weight_err: True,
 match_err: False,
 min_kwargs: {'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'bounds': ((-inf, inf),), 'options': {'maxfev': 50, 'xatol': 0.01, 'fatol': 1e-06}},
 add_zeros: False

Above, we see the sample mass, raw data, converted data (SI units), processed data (currently empty), and presets, which are the default data processing settings. These are available individually as the attributes sample_mass, raw_df, converted_df, processed_df, and presets. For example:


Raw units can also be obtained using the get_raw_data_units() method:

{'T': 'K', 'H': 'Oe', 'M': 'emu', 'sample_mass': 'mg'}

Additional information about reading data and changing units can be found in Reading Data and Units and Conversions, respectively.

Processing data#

The various settings in presets indicate the default arguments for the process_data() method. These are explored further in Processing Data. Here, we smooth the magnetic moment, differentiate with respect to temperature, and integrate with respect to the magnetic field to fill the missing columns in each data attribute.

The data contains the following 5 magnetic field strengths and observations per field:
20.0     100
40.0     100
60.0     100
80.0     100
100.0    100
Name: T, dtype: int64

Processing data using the following settings:
	npoints: 1000,
	temp_range: [-inf  inf],
	fields: [],
	decimals: 5,
	max_diff: inf,
	min_sweep_len: 10,
	d_order: 2,
	lmbds: [nan],
	lmbd_guess: 0.0001,
	weight_err: True,
	match_err: False,
	min_kwargs: {'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'bounds': ((-inf, inf),), 'options': {'maxfev': 50, 'xatol': 0.01, 'fatol': 1e-06}},
	add_zeros: False

scipy.optimize.minimize: Optimization terminated successfully.
Processed M(T) at field: 20.0
scipy.optimize.minimize: Optimization terminated successfully.
Processed M(T) at field: 40.0
scipy.optimize.minimize: Optimization terminated successfully.
Processed M(T) at field: 60.0
scipy.optimize.minimize: Optimization terminated successfully.
Processed M(T) at field: 80.0
scipy.optimize.minimize: Optimization terminated successfully.
Processed M(T) at field: 100.0
Calculated raw derivative and entropy.

last_presets set to:
	npoints: 1000,
	temp_range: [  0.99999934 100.00000083],
	fields: [ 20.  40.  60.  80. 100.],
	decimals: 5,
	max_diff: inf,
	min_sweep_len: 10,
	d_order: 2,
	lmbds: [0.00091728 0.00054639 0.00072862 0.00091728 0.00095775],
	lmbd_guess: 0.0001,
	weight_err: True,
	match_err: False,
	min_kwargs: {'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'bounds': ((-inf, inf),), 'options': {'maxfev': 50, 'xatol': 0.01, 'fatol': 1e-06}},
	add_zeros: False


The field groups and regularization (smoothing) parameters are determined automatically by default. We can see that there are five different magnetic field strengths with 100 temperature points each. The processed_df attribute now contains the results:

T H M M_err M_per_mass M_per_mass_err dM_dT Delta_SM
0 0.999999 0.002 0.000002 NaN 19.847003 NaN -0.098265 -0.000098
1 1.099098 0.002 0.000002 NaN 19.837267 NaN -0.098240 -0.000098
2 1.198198 0.002 0.000002 NaN 19.827533 NaN -0.098202 -0.000098
3 1.297297 0.002 0.000002 NaN 19.817803 NaN -0.098138 -0.000098
4 1.396396 0.002 0.000002 NaN 19.808082 NaN -0.098050 -0.000098
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4995 99.603604 0.010 0.000001 NaN 11.673323 NaN -0.829550 -0.004619
4996 99.702704 0.010 0.000001 NaN 11.591120 NaN -0.829466 -0.004620
4997 99.801803 0.010 0.000001 NaN 11.508924 NaN -0.829407 -0.004620
4998 99.900902 0.010 0.000001 NaN 11.426733 NaN -0.829371 -0.004620
4999 100.000001 0.010 0.000001 NaN 11.344545 NaN -0.829347 -0.004620

5000 rows × 8 columns

Similarly, one could check that the derivative and entropy have been calculated for the raw data.

Notice that the error columns in the processed data are empty. An experimental bootstrap() method is implemented to estimate the error in the smoothed moment. See Bootstrap Estimates.

Plotting Data#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Line plots and heat maps can be easily created with plot_lines() and plot_map().

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
magdata.plot_lines(data_prop='M_per_mass', data_version='compare', ax=ax);
plot lines example
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3.75), sharey=True)

magdata.plot_map(data_prop='M_per_mass', data_version='converted', ax=ax[0], colorbar=False)

    data_prop='M_per_mass', data_version='processed', ax=ax[1], colorbar=True,
    colorbar_kwargs={'ax': ax, 'fraction': 0.10, 'pad': 0.05}

plot map example

The second figure demonstrates the natural use of matplotlib with the plotting methods. Many additional options are available; see Plotting Data for more information.

Writing output#

Because data is represented as DataFrames, one can use methods such as DataFrame.to_csv() to write output to files. See Reading Data for reading in data from delimited files and Plotting Data for plotting previously-processed data.